Immunosuppression Panels
BKV and CMV Combo Viral Load
Viral load testing for BK virus (BKV) and Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood
2 ml EDTA plasma
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
CMV Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood
2 ml EDTA plasma
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
BKV Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood
2 ml EDTA plasma
3 to 5 ml urine
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood
2 ml EDTA plasma
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Adenovirus Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood
2 ml EDTA plasma
3 to 5mL urine
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV6)
Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2 x 3mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
0.5 to 1ml cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Human Herpesvirus 7 (HHV7)
Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2 x 3mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
0.5 to 1mL cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1& 2
(HSV1 &2) Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2 x 3mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
0.5 to 1mL cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
3 to 5mL urine
Swab (genital, vesicular)
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2 x 3mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
0.5 to 1mL cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Vesicular swab
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Viral Package I
AdV Viral Load
- CMV Viral Load
- EBV Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 ml EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Viral Package II
AdV Viral Load
CMV Viral Load
EBV Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2 x 3mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
Viral Package III
- CMV Viral Load
- HSV 1 Viral Load
- HSV 2 Viral Load
Specimen Requirements
2x3 mL EDTA blood (Purple) ‡
2mL EDTA plasma
3 to 5mL urine
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
3 days
‡ EDTA plasma will be used for the assay