Oncology Panels
MAHS Lung Cancer & Lung Fusion Panel Assay
70 mutations & 3 fusion genes
BRAF | G469A/V, D594G, V600E
EGFR |E709A/G/K/V, G719A/C/D/S, S768I/N/T, D770N, T790M, C797S, L858R, L861QR, exon 19 insertion/deletion, exon 20 insertion
ERBB2 | Exon 20 insertions
KRAS |G12A/C/D/R/S/V, G13V/C/D, Q61E/H/K/L/P/R
PIK3CA | E542K, E545K, H1047L, H1047R
Fusion genes
Specimen Requirements
FFPE tissue selection in tube 2x 10µm, at least >40% tumor cell percentage of FFPE section. If below standards: macro dissection needed
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
10 - 14 working days
MAHS Lung Cancer Panel Assay
70 mutations & 3 fusion genes
BRAF | G469E, D594G, V600E
EGFR |E709A/G/K/V, G719A/C/D/S, S768I/N/T, D770N, T790M, C797S, L858R, L861QR, exon 19 insertion/deletion, exon 20 insertion
ERBB2 | Exon 20 insertions
KRAS |G12A/C/D/R/S/V, G13V/C/D, Q61E/H/K/L/P/R
PIK3CA | E542K, E545K, H1047L, H1047R
Specimen Requirements
FFPE tissue selection in tube 2x 10µm, at least >20% tumor cell percentage of FFPE section. If below standards: macro dissection needed
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
10 - 14 working days
MAHS Lung Fusion Cancer Panel Assay
3 fusion genes
Fusion genes
Specimen Requirements
FFPE tissue selection in tube 2x 10µm, at least >40% tumor cell percentage of FFPE section. If below standards: macro dissection needed
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
10 - 14 working days
MAHS Colon Cancer Panel Assay
86 mutations
BRAF | G469E, D594G, V600E
EGFR | S492R
KRAS G12A/C/D/E/F/I/L/R/S/V/W/Y,G13A/C/D/E/F/R/S/V, A59E/G/S/T, Q61E/H/K/L/P/R, K117N/R, A146G/P/T/V
NRAS | G12A/C/D/R/S/V, G13A/C/D/R/S/V, A59G/T, Q61E/H/K/L/P/R, K117E/N/R,
A146G/P/S/T/V -
PIK3CA | E542K, E545K, H1047L, H1047R
Specimen Requirements
FFPE tissue selection in tube 2x 10µm, at least >40% tumor cell percentage of FFPE section. If below standards: macro dissection needed
LAT (Laboratory turnaround time)
10 - 14 working days